Video Blog: What is Vertigo?

Hello today’s topic is Are dizziness and vertigo the same thing?

This topic addresses something that is a very common misconception that I hear from patients and even from a lot of non-ENT doctors.

The answer is no! Dizziness and vertigo are not the same thing though frequently these two words are used interchangeably.

First of all, dizziness is a completely nonspecific term. It can mean a thousand different things for a thousand different people. When I hear somebody say they’re dizzy, the next question is “well what does dizzy mean?” I try to understand exactly what they’re feeling.
Vertigo on the other hand is a specific term. Vertigo is actually a symptom; it’s not a disease or a diagnosis. It’s a symptom in the same way that pain, nausea, coughing, or headache are symptoms.

So what is vertigo then? It has a specific definition: vertigo is the illusion of movement. What this means is that you feel like you’re moving when you’re not. Most commonly that sensation of movement is feeling like the room is spinning but it can be other sensations like feeling like you’re on a boat or feeling like you’re moving up and down. By far the most common is the room spinning, though.

The question then is what’s causing the vertigo. There are lots and lots of different diseases and other diagnoses that can cause vertigo. These problems can be ear related, brain related, or side effects from medications or many other things. In a future post, we’ll talk more about those topics but I think it’s important that people do understand what vertigo means. With this knowledge, you can realize for yourself whether you actually have it or not.

If you’re having problems with your balance or dizziness or vertigo I can help you with that. Call for an appointment today in Kyle, San Marcos, or Lockhart.