Common Sinus Surgeries Performed by ENT Specialists

what are the most common sinus surgery

Sinus surgery is performed by an ENT specialist to address chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and other serious conditions. There are many different types of sinus surgeries. These include: A) Endoscopic sinus surgery: This procedure is a minimally-invasive procedure where a tiny camera called an endoscope is inserted through the nose to reach the nasal cavity. It’s a short procedure with …

Dysphagia in the Elderly: Symptoms and Treatment


Do you know what dysphagia is? It is the medical term for difficulty swallowing. It can be caused by various reasons, including cancer, stroke, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. The elderly is more likely to suffer from this disease than any other age group because they are more susceptible to these conditions. We will discuss about symptoms and treatments for dysphagia …

Warning Signs That You Should Visit a Pediatric ENT Doctor

when to visit an ENT pediatric doctor

It is very important to visit an ENT pediatric doctor when you experience the following signs and symptoms: 1. Constant Coughing It is rare that chronic coughing will not be accompanied by other symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath, especially in children who suffer from asthma or allergies. If your child suffers from an unexplained chronic cough that …

Voice Disorders: Common Causes and When to See an ENT Doctor

organic voice disorders are physiological by nature

As people age, natural changes occur to a person’s voice. The pitch of a child’s voice is easily discernable from that of someone elderly. However, some voice changes aren’t normal. When speaking, the vocal cords are brought together in the larynx, producing sound as lungs push air through them. When the air passes through, it causes the vocal cords to …

Pediatric ENT Role in Your Baby’s Hearing Development

hearing development timeline for babies

All babies should have a hearing test performed before coming home from the hospital, according to the National Institute of Health. That’s because about 1 in 500 babies are born with hearing loss, and catching auditory issues early can help your child receive treatments and training that may improve their long-term speech and hearing function. Pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat …

Speech Disorder Signs and When to Consult a Pediatric ENT

speech disorder and role of pediatric ENT

Parents have a lot to worry about during their child’s development. There are few issues as difficult to handle as speech. Parents almost always worry about whether their child is moving at the proper pace while learning how to talk. But there are other issues to watch out for as well. For example, most parents don’t know what the signs …

Common Causes of Head and Neck Pain in Adults

I wish I could know the reasons for my head and neck pain earlier. Head and neck pain, sounds like a small piece of cake. But it’s not. Several years ago, I have had this problem with me often. One day, I lost my vision for seconds while I was driving. It was so dangerous and almost caused an accident. …

What a Pediatric ENT Can Do About Children’s Hearing Loss

pediatric ent in children hearing loss

Research shows that about three million children suffer from hearing loss, and one in one thousand of them may suffer from a permanent loss at birth. For temporary hearing loss, research shows that six children out of one thousand are affected. Causes of Hearing Loss in Children Nerve hearing loss It leads to permanent loss of hearing in children, and …

Can ENT Doctors Help with Your Excessive Snoring?

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Real quick, inhale through your nose and exhale. Do this twice. Then, this time hold out your finger to the side of each nostril. Hold on, something feels strange; Only a strong current of air is exhaling from one side of your nostril. No worries, you don’t have an underlying medical condition to get checked out. That is called the…

Suffering From Headaches? Natural Home Remedies for Headaches


When you are frequently bothered by headaches, you’re more than likely looking for any solution that will get rid of them. Sure, you can take handfuls of pills to make them go away, but it’s not a good idea to overload your system with medication. You may be getting headaches because you are dehydrated, stressed, or as a reaction to …

When to See a Pediatric ENT Doctor if Your Child Has Nosebleeds

when to see pediatric ent doctor child nosebleed

Overview Nosebleeds, known medically as epistaxis, are relatively common and typically benign conditions impacting children. That said, certain occasions might arise when said events could be cause for greater concern and warrant a trip to a pediatric ENT, which is short for Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor, or some other trained medical professional. Causes There are two common types of …

Meniere’s Disease: an Ear Infection You Should be Aware of

menieres disease ear infection

An individual’s ears are most known for helping people hear. However, these crucial organs are comprised of another important component. When such features malfunction or succumb to the disease, untoward conditions might arise. One such malady is Meniere’s Disease. Overview Of Meniere’s Disease Meniere’s Disease impacts the inner ear and may precipitate any number of bothersome, potentially life-altering physical manifestations. …

Signs You Might be at Risk for Sleep Apnea

man suffering from obstructive sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can impact quality of life for both sleeping and waking hours. This type of sleep disorder occurs when breathing irregularities affect the natural rhythm of the body. Whether you have obstructive, central or complex sleep apnea, some people are more at risk than others. What Are The Three Types of Sleep Apnea? The three main types of sleep …

Baby Allergies: How a Pediatric ENT Doctor Can Help

pediatric ENT checking up on a child with allergies

Does your child suffer from allergies? Allergies exhibit an array of ear, nose, and throat symptoms in children. When nasal allergies affect your child, you need to visit an ENT specialist since they can escalate to other respiratory complications such as asthma. Nasal allergies result in itching, sneezing, congestion, and sneezing. In most cases, such symptoms are caused by allergens …

5 Tips to Avoid Hearing Loss While You’re Getting Older

old man suffering from hearing loss

Hearing loss is something that commonly affects older adults who are at least 65. The reality is, however, that it doesn’t have to affect all of them. If you’re looking to steer clear of hearing loss middle age and elderly adults may dread, then there are options out there waiting patiently for you. 1. Reduce Your Exposure to Stubborn Sounds …

Migraine Causes and How to Prevent Them Altogether

migraine causes and how to relieve them

Migraine is a condition where a patient complains of severe headache that happens in stages and recurs accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. Sensory changes called an aura might occur right before the onset of the headache. The triggers, symptoms, severity, and frequency differs among individuals where some might report at least one episode weekly, while others …

What Happens If Sleep Apnea Issues Go Untreated for a Long Time

woman getting irritated with her husband on excessive snoring sleep apnea

What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea occurs when an individual does not receive enough oxygen to their brain during sleep. Oftentimes, this manifests as loud snoring or gasps for air at night. Although this may seem like a minor inconvenience, ignoring the signs of sleep apnea can lead to more serious consequences. Types There are two types of sleep apnea: …

Issues that can be Addressed by an ENT Specialist

medical consultation with an ENT specialist

Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physicians are doctors who specialize in treating conditions associated with those features. The field of medicine that ENTs practice is called “otolaryngology.” Some of the issues that ENT doctor treat might seem obvious (sore throat, ringing ears, etc.) while others might surprise you. In this article, we’ll discuss both the more common, well-known health issues …

Stay Away From These Habits to Avoid Worsening Your Sleep Apnea

elderly man suffering from sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a medical condition we have all heard a lot about, but for those affected, it can have a terrible effect on their sleep and general health. Although the numbers of people suffering from sleep apnea have been growing in the last few years, the figures of those who may be affected have been rising too. The Cleveland …

Sleep Apnea in the United States: Facts and Statistics

woman getting annoyed from husband suffering from sleep apnea and snoring

Prevalence Sleep apnea can be a crippling condition that affects an astounding 18 million adults in America. In regards to children, it is difficult at present to approximate the frequency of youth who have the condition, however, a minimum occurrence of 2 to 3% is likely. Additionally, sleep apnea happens at all ages and both sexes. Symptoms Persistent snoring is …